massage therapy

We recognize that there are lots of places in the Lehigh Valley where you can get a massage.

At The Restoration Space, we strive to identify and address the root cause(s) of your discomfort so you can feel better faster and see lasting results. Our massage therapists all bring years of experience as well as added specialities to their therapeutic modality such as aromatherapy, fascial therapy, lymphatic massage and oncology massage.


therapeutic massage Services:

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)

Craniosacral fascial therapy (CFT) is a light-touch modality performed by Erica Baittinger that engages the body’s fascial system. CFT benefits a wide variety of conditions including birth trauma, colic, reflux, tongue-tie, concussion, headaches, depression, anxiety, pelvic pain, poor range of motion, back/neck pain, jaw pain/TMJ, and digestive issues.


60 minutes
(New & returning clients)


45 minutes
(Return Patients Only)


30 minutes
(Returning patients under 5 years old only)

Oncological Massage

Oncology massage is provided by Mariella Silva and focuses on providing safe and compassionate touch to individuals who are currently undergoing or have previously undergone cancer treatment. The primary goal of oncology massage is to alleviate the side effects of cancer treatments, stress and anxiety while promoting a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation, enhancing your quality of life*.

*It is important to emphasize that oncology massage does not claim to cure cancer or replace medical treatment. Instead, it serves as a complementary therapy that supports the overall well-being of individuals affected by cancer or those who have previously undergone cancer treatment. 


30 minutes


60 minutes

Clinical Aromatherapy Massage

Mariella Silva can work with you to create an individualized treatment plan utilizing essential oils to promote physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.  Each essential oil possesses a unique aroma and a specific set of potential benefits and are applied through inhalation and/or topical application. Using evidence-based research and clinical trials as guidance, Mariella can choose oils to address stress and anxiety, sleep disturbances, pain management, skin conditions, respiratory issues, and digestive problems. 


30 minutes


60 minutes

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a very gentle but highly effective treatment that helps to improves the function of the lymphatic system by lighty  pumping and stretching the skin performed by licensed massage therapist Cindy Holmes. Lymphedema is swelling due to the build-up of lymph fluid. When the drainage points of the lymphatic system get clogged, the fluid cannot drain properly causing edema primarily in the arms or legs, but can also occur in other parts of the body. It is utilized for many pathologies including post-surgical swelling, post traumatic edema (e.g., sports injuries), migraine headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia. In addition, it promotes general detoxification and overall relaxation. You will feel incredibly rejuvenated after just one session.


30 minutes


60 minutes

“nothing is so healing as the human touch”

— Bobby Fischer